Bulk voice calls are described as the provision of voice messages that were recorded at an earlier time to be sent to different telephones or mobile phones in a sequential manner. The voice calls or voice SMS can also be forwarded at the same time to many users to keep them informed about new offers and updates from groups and companies. Bulk voice calls are the counterpart of short message service or SMS which are text messages sent to many people simultaneously. Voice calls are great for different purposes – personal or business. Voice SMS is quickly becoming one of the norms when it comes to campaigns. Bulk voice calls are generally made through the IVR system. The goal is to give voice calls to recipients so that they instantly get the message via the voice SMS, thereby saving time and effort. The sender will save money, time and effort by doing so while the recipient will also get the quick details of the message. Receivers usually can identify if they have received voice calls or voice SMS. Bulk voice calls are great for marketing and advertising. Campaigns have been made around voice calls or bulk voice calls because of the added convenience and low cost. Voice SMS is great to use anytime and anywhere.